Thursday, June 2, 2011

How do i change the icon for an external hard drive? More specifically a Seagate product?

I right clicked over the icon and clicked on properties but I can't figure out where you change the icon. It used to be the little hard drive icon and now it is a folder icon and i just wanted that to change back, im not sure why it changed all of a sudden in the first place.How do i change the icon for an external hard drive? More specifically a Seagate product?

Switch off your computer and remove the USB cable from the machine. Then restart the machine, ones the desktop comes on your screen just plug the USB drive back. It should work fine.

Good Luck,

JAHow do i change the icon for an external hard drive? More specifically a Seagate product?
Save a .ico to your hdd. and save a .inf file onto your hdd. That way no matter what you do it will always be with you whenever you plug it in.

If you also want a label

You have to put it in the main root of the hdd and also the icon. Go to cmd and make them system and hidden folders so they don't show up when u save them. Youtube it.

Type in exactly what i type below and save it as a .inf


icon=(Your icon here w/out the paranthases).ico

label=(Your label here w/out the paranthases)How do i change the icon for an external hard drive? More specifically a Seagate product?
I presume you have created a shortcut, because you can't change the actual icon in My Computer.

Once you have right-clicked and gone to Properties, you are after the 'Shortcut' tab. In there is a 'Change Icon' Button.

Over to you...

Hope it helps.

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